Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Calling A Spade A Spade

The Republican Party has a profile, and it's very easy to define. The minute you do so any Tom, Dick and Idiot jumps out of the woodwork to try to prove you wrong with anecdotal evidence, which of course just amplifies their stupidity. But these imbeciles notwithstanding, I'm going to lay it out for you plain and simple.

This profile very much follows the 80/20 rule, and it does so in both directions. 80% of the people who fit this profile are Republican voters; and 80% of Republican voters fit this profile. Anyone who suggests otherwise needs to 1) Look at the statistics, and 2) Stop fooling themselves. So much the worse that they're not intellectually or emotionally capable of doing either.

The TYPICAL Republican voter falls into at least 6 of the following 9 categories:

1) Over 35 years of age;

2) Attained only their high school diploma, OR if they did attend post-secondary school it was NOT a Liberal Arts 4-year degree, but a more skilled-trade/Junior College field with no focus on the Humanities -- and views traditional college education as a "scam";

3) Was born, raised, or lived most of their lives in a town with less than 10,000 people, OR was born/raised in the South;

4) Makes under $75,000/year (household income), or if single, under $30,000/year, and has no savings or investments to speak of;

5) Has never received a promotion at any job;

6) Knows and accepts as a friend somebody who is openly racist and uses racial epithets in casual conversation (if they do not themselves);

7) Has had the police to their house on more than one occasion, and/or has been arrested, and/or has been to court as a witness for a child/relative/friend/neighbor who was accused of a crime;

8) Doesn't speak to one or more immediate family members;

9) Either calls themselves a Christian but hasn't gone to church in many, MANY years, OR is a devoted (obnoxious, fundamentalist, proselytizing) member of their local church. In either case, they don't hold to the tenets of the Christian religion except when it suits them, and if called out on the subject they will frequently try to excuse away their behavior with pathetic (and nearly always inaccurate)??biblically-based rationalizations.

See yourself in this picture? Truth hurts, doesn't it Republicans? In fact, the Republicans I know who match all 9 of these would simply respond with, "SO WHAT? What's wrong with THAT?"

But even if none of these things apply to you and you're a GOP supporter, look at who you're associating yourself with -- ignorant, paranoid, lazy, law-breaking, grudge-holding, bigoted hypocrites.

Is that the label you want to hang around your neck when you're voting this fall? "I voted with Stupid."

Think hard about that between now and November.