Thursday, March 1, 2012

Long Live Democracy

I view voter suppression, voter fraud, and election fraud as the highest and most heinous form of treason in our modern era. Forget selling secrets to the Chinese, that means shit compared to rigging elections and denying American citizens the right to vote. In my eyes, anyone participating in these activities should be beaten to death in the public square to serve as a warning to others.

God helped us out today, he came in search of one of America's most despicable turncoats, an enemy of democracy who will go down in history not for any good deeds or noble acts, but for attempting to subvert the will of the American people in their attempt to direct their own destiny through fair and democratic elections.

If you are a liberal who decried the actions of one Andrew Breitbart, as he single-handedly attempted to disenfranchise an entire generation of minority voters, you can rejoice today. The filthy traitor is dead.??He was one of the most evil people still consuming oxygen. It does your integrity a disservice to suggest that he wasn't. Dead or alive, he is still scum.

You liberals who are pretending to be sympathetic and refrain from comment: don't. Don't be the hypocrites that the right shows themselves to be every day. Vilify the man, as he should be. Dig up the "greatest hits" of his reign of terror and post them online for all to see. Make sure the world NEVER FORGETS the legacy that Andrew Breitbart left for us: that one man, a blog and a video camera can do unending damage to the free will of a nation. Let us never forget that such men should be stopped, tried, and hanged for their acts.

Andrew Breitbart is dead. God's will be done. Long live democracy.