Wednesday, July 27, 2011


There is one immutable law of the financial markets. No matter how much risk is out there, no matter whether it's a bull market or a bear market, no matter the economic conditions at the time. One law has applied every minute of every trading day on every single market in the world, dating back to the 1800's when financial markets got their start.

The United States government's bonds have a AAA credit rating, and are the safest investment you can buy.

Now, thanks to suicide-bomber Tea Party legislators with barely enough financial knowledge to fill a thimble, that is about to change.

Any responsible legislator knows that the U.S. government's credit rating MUST stay at AAA. Even the Republicans that are holding fast with the rank and file will, eventually, cave in and vote to extend the debt limit.??

Why? Because they know that a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating would be the most catastrophic event in the history of the financial markets, and will make the crash of 1928 look like a picnic. It will shake investor confidence in every corner of the globe, and cause a mass sell-off of not just U.S. Treasuries, but every dollar-backed financial instrument. The flight from dollars to Euros will be so severe, the exchange rate will likely crash to half what it is today. We already see the pre-cursors to such a crash, as hedge funds and foreign investors take short positions in preparation for the dollar's collapse.

This is, literally, the end of the world as we know it. And there is only one group to blame. Not Republicans as a whole, but specifically the Tea Party Terrorists.??They must be stopped.

The Tea Party is a group of fascist ideologues, and they are not influenced by the pleas of their constituents. They are not interested in democracy; their plan is to shatter the structure of the U.S. government as it stands today. They want to implement a system where only white, American-born workers get to vote, and they will re-write the Constitution to destroy the plurality that has built this country to the strongest nation in the world.

They are racists; they are traitors; they are ignorant; and they will not yield or compromise.

But they must be stopped, before they destroy the country and achieve their goals.

You can't negotiate with terrorists. They must be stopped.

You know what must be done.

Do it. Today. Time is running out.