Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wind-Up Toys

Nobody likes being called stupid. But that's not going to stop me. I have a 140 IQ. When compared to me, sorry, but you're stupid. 99.4% of you reading this have the brains God gave a carrot. I'm not just saying this because it's fun --- or it's true --- it's a problem.

See, I see things differently than you do. The chain reactions that go on inside my head make it possible for me to understand things that you never will. I can explain them until I'm blue in the face, and you'll never get it. Sorry, but you won't.

Right now you're saying to yourself, "What an arrogant prick! I know I'm smarter than he is!" Actually, you're really too stupid to know that exactly the opposite is true. But see? You're too stupid to believe that either! See what I'm faced with?

So this is my life. I walk through the day, all day, every day, knowing that I have viable solutions to pretty much every problem I encounter, but no ability to either 1) implement them, or 2) convince the stupid people in charge why they need to be implemented. It's frustrating as shit.

Another thing that's frustrating as shit is to see many of you get manipulated by other smart people into doing stupid shit, and believing things that are easily proven to be false with three mouse clicks on the internet. They prey on your stupidity and your prejudices, knowing that you'll never exert your God-given ability to think for yourself, and next thing you know they've got enough morons at the polling stations to stop teachers from teaching facts to everyone's kids.

And that's probably the most frustrating of all: the stupid things you do affect my kids. And I'm sorry, but I want to club every one of you motherfuckers to death for that.

So what do I do with this? This country is in a vortex of stupid that seems to be spinning faster and growing deeper with every passing minute, and all I can do is watch. I'm at the point in my life where, after believing for so long that I really should use my intellect to try to effect positive change, I think I'll be better off just doing something that makes me happy. At least I'll get more sleep.

I like to say that the truth about any given subject exists in the universe no matter what your opinion on the subject may be. That truth is impenetrable and indestructible: it can not be plied or manipulated or squeezed or twisted or erased. Liars will try to pull you away from that truth because it suits their interests to do so. But the truth remains constant, and exists in perpetuity. If you look hard enough, you can find it. If this country decides to make finding that truth --- ACTUAL TRUTH --- its focus, the future may indeed be bright.

But as long as stupid people allow themselves to be turned into wind-up toys by people who care about nothing but their own greed and bigotry, we're in big trouble.??And if people like me are giving up because this tsunami of stupid is getting too powerful to overcome, this country is on the path to catastrophe.