Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pissing In The Ocean

I'm going to pick on somebody, and they may not like it, but tough.

Somebody out there actually has organized, and is actively pursuing, a campaign to pressure hockey equipment manufacturers to adopt a proper sizing standard for women.

Okay. This may be a problem. But I'd like this individual, and everyone else reading this, to consider something.

What if this person were to, instead, focus their effort and energy on solving a problem that made a difference in people's lives? Feeding the hungry, for instance. Or curing breast cancer. Perhaps something to do with access to health care for children. You know: something that isn't just a nuisance; something that will result in somebody not dying.

And what if we ALL did that?

Sure, the campaign to stop worm-hunting in rural Mississippi may be what floats your boat. The plight of deciduous trees in outer Mongolia may be something near and dear to your heart. And educating people about foot fungus may be your calling in life.

But let's be real: not one of those things, and likely the thing that you personally are involved in, means shit.

People are dying. Your neighbors are dying. CHILDREN are dying. And there is something you can do about it. Now. Today.

If only you'd stop fucking around with whatever idiotic little cause you decided to pursue in a moment of passion and abject stupidity.

Because if we all DID drop our little petty pursuits, and we all DID pursue something that made a difference in people's lives...

How much could we accomplish? How many lives could we save? How many children would go to bed with a full tummy? How many people would see a doctor when they needed to?

So whatever it is, drop it. Right now. Just let it go.

And go do something worthwhile.