Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meghan McCain: Use Your Powers For Good

Ms. McCain:

You are an intelligent enough woman to see the writing on the wall. You are a moderate in a radical party bent on purging its ranks of moderates. It's over. You can do no more good there. It's time to face reality, and go someplace where you can have a genuine, positive impact.

Join the Democrats. Right now.

Your stance on gay rights all by itself means you will be shouted down the instant you attempt to do more than your college speaking tour. Get involved in a genuine race, and you will be verbally assaulted as a slut bimbo lesbian baby-killing whore. You *know* this to be true, and you also know that there is *nothing* you can do to stop it. So why subject yourself to that kind of abuse? Especially when you'll never get your message out?

There is no "big tent" in the GOP anymore. And there never will be. One of two things will happen: either it will implode in a vicious civil war, or it will be taken over by the radical fascists. In 5 years there will be no Republican Party, and deep down you know that. There is no sense in trying to stop the ocean tides. There's a boat waiting: come on board.

I understand, the very idea of it repulses you. But look at the facts: you are almost perfectly in line with the Democratic ideological stance. You support gay rights. You support a woman's right to choose. Two huge ones right off the bat.

You believe in a balanced budget. EVERYBODY believes in a balanced budget! Including the Democrats. The only difference is, we oppose balanced budgets when it comes at the expense of our citizens. The GOP opposes balanced budgets when they want to kill brown people.

You believe in lowering spending. EVERYBODY believes in lowering spending! Including the Democrats. The only difference is, we believe that lowering spending shouldn't come at the expense of our citizens. The GOP will only lower spending if the military still gets every dime they ask for.

You believe in supporting our troops, both before and after their tours of duty; you believe in accountability in government; you believe in transparency; you believe in reasonable government regulation that stimulates growth and encourages entrepreneurship and job creation; and you believe in strong economic, environmental, and energy policies that put the people of the United States --- the BACKBONE of the American economy --- first on the list of priorities. All 100% in line with Democratic ideals.

See? You're already one of us. So why not stop this charade, get off that sinking ship, and bring your talents to a place where you will be accepted and valued? The Democratic Party is waiting for your call. Pick up the phone. We'll send a car. And we'll provide security so your Dad doesn't try to whack you.

I know your mom would approve. Please think it over.


Everyone who still likes you but hates that you're a Republican.