Monday, November 1, 2010

A Call To Undecided and Independent Voters

It's crunch time, people. First of all, get all the polling place information you need, as well as a lot of other resources, at

Next, it's time to take a practical --- NOT political or ideological --- view of the vote you are about to cast.

The Democrats hold the Presidency, and every poll indicates that they will continue to hold the Senate??and be a very narrow minority in the House. This means that any Tea Party legislation, and anything the GOP does to try and weaken or reverse the legislative progress made in the past two years will be stopped cold. Any whack-job legislation that manages to sneak by in Congress will get vetoed, and there is *no* way that those fascists will have enough to override.

So as much as you hear your Republican and Tea Party candidates promising you that they will reverse President Obama's agenda, it will never happen. Period.

Similarly, with a recalcitrant GOP controlling the House, nothing the Democrats try to do will get passed either.

So what does that mean? It means that people will die.??Thousands are dying every single day already, and putting more Republicans or Tea Party nuts in Congress is going to ramp that number into the stratosphere.??People without health care will die. Kids will die. Americans will die. When you vote for a Republican or Tea Party candidate, you are actually helping to KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

President Obama has begun a process that is absolutely necessary, and has already started to work. Look at the facts. The economy has grown for 4 straight quarters. Unemployment is still high, but the situation is improving. The American dollar has been increasing in value against foreign currencies. Inflation is well under control --- in fact, as predicted, *deflation* is more of a worry right now. The financial sector is stable. The auto industry is rebounding nicely.??

But this is by no means the end.

LOTS of work has to be done, and it has to be done soon. But how? If we have a Congress that can't pass a single bill, how is that work going to get done?

The answer is, it can't. No work will get done, no more jobs will be created, and more of your neighbors will continue to languish in unemployment, poverty, and homelessness. You know somebody whose family has been severely affected by this recession, I know you do. Everybody does. Are you willing to let the Republican and Tea Party fascists screw them even harder than they have already? Screw their kids?

Because --- practically speaking now --- this election is not about politics or ideology, it's about what happens to you and the people you know and care about. THEY are the ones that get screwed by these bickering idiots in Washington D.C. THEY are the ones that suffer. Real living, breathing people suffer. Kids suffer. Babies suffer.

And --- practically speaking --- the only way to get anything done with a Democratic President is with a Democratic Congress. That's the ONLY way. President Obama ??WILL NOT let his agenda get hijacked by the Tea Party idiots, and he's going to be in office for two years whether you like it or not.

So many of you are thinking about the issues that are pumped up in the press: gun control, abortion,??welfare, medicare, education,??privatizing or eliminating social security, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But let's be frank: who gives a damn. Ultimately speaking, not a single one of those issues will affect your daily life. Not one. So as much as this will probably seem counter-intuitive, you must set those aside. They are political issues, not practical ones, and they don't mean shit.

So, before you vote tomorrow --- and you NEED TO VOTE TOMORROW --- think long and hard about what that vote is going to do. Any Republican vote you cast is going to very literally kill more Americans. Those are people you know. People you care about. Dead. People you love. Dead.

You MUST think about what you do on Tuesday. Think hard. And make the right choice. People's lives are depending on it. Vote on Tuesday, November 2.

Thanks for reading this.