Thursday, August 19, 2010

Face It, Conservatives...

It's over.

At last count, here's the score:

You have sitting Senators and Congressmen speaking their minds, and winding up apologizing to radical right media hosts...

You have radical right media hosts getting fired for blatantly racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic comments...

You have ultra-radical right media hosts getting arrested and charged with conspiracy to murder a sitting member of Congress...

You have a radical right media host conducting "classes" on television every day, even though he can't spell many polysyllabic words...

You have a radical right media outlet claiming to be the standard bearer for American patriotism, even though it is owned and operated by the Saudi government...

You have about 50% of your die-hard base jumping ship to the Tea Party, and they won't support anyone who doesn't endorse their racist/no-tax/anti-immigration platform...

You have GOP incumbents losing primaries, being pushed out by Tea Party radicals, and running as independents --- left of the Tea Party...

You have Tea Party radicals losing primaries, and running independents --- right of the GOP...

You have an African-American party chairman put in place as window dressing to address the "large tent" problem, who then presided over several key election losses, and who is now facing outright mutiny within the party...

You have your VP candidate (a losing one, mind you) is running around the country endorsing one primary candidate after another, and losing more often than not...

You're fucked! I've seen bar fights with more organization and cohesion than this. There isn't a party leader, there isn't a friggin' PARTY right now: it's two parties fighting over which party is the *actual* party.

I hear Conservatives talking about re-taking the House or the Senate in November? You'll be lucky if you don't lose every seat you have. Three-party races will mean Democratic wins in every single district where they happen; more people are back to work, more soldiers are home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and more people will have medical coverage in about 30 days; and on top of that, not one single new idea has come out of the Republican Party in over 30 years.

It. Is. Over. Get used to the new regime, people: it's going to be here for a long, LONG time.